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The Great Eco Journey is all about encouraging, inspiring and enabling sustainable living.  Whether you are an individual or family trying to reduce your waste, a business wanting to lighten your footprint and inspire your employees, or a school wanting to bring fun sustainability education to your tamariki, let's talk about making that journey happen.


It's about taking small steps.


It's about being non-judgemental and non-preachy.


It's about progress, not perfection.




We are the Dale family.  Mum: Juliet - that's me.  Dad: Jon. 

Football-mad Brady.  Sparkle-mad Eve, and just plain-mad



We are not Green Gurus, or Tree-Huggers.  We don’t wear tie

dye and we are not vegan.

BUT, about five years ago, we realised that we couldn’t keep

living the disposable consumerism-based lifestyle that we had; 

using something once, throwing it away, wheeling the rubbish

bin out to the curbside once a week and promptly forgetting 

about it.

SO we started making some changes, just one at a time.  We 

quickly discovered that not only was it easy, but we were also

really enjoying the challenge, as well as saving money. Most of all though, the very small changes that we were making were really adding up. Within three months our family had halved the amount of waste that we were producing in our house!  Three years down the track, in 2021 we challenged ourselves to create only one wheelie bin of rubbish for the entire year!

That was the beginning of The Great Eco Journey.  Our way of sharing simple eco-tips that are easy, fun, can save you money and most importantly, help you to live more sustainably.  The Great Eco Journey has grown and evolved over the years from tips to individuals, to inspiring presentations and workshops for groups of all sizes and ages, working alongside sustainable brands to help them get their message out, and a lot of media work. 

                                                    Would your workplace, school or community group like me to come in and talk to you in person?  I L                                                        LOVE doing presentations and workshops that are tapered to you.  Get in touch to find out more!  I                                                            am also a free-lance writer and content creator and would love to chat about how I can work with you.


                                                     We are all about baby steps, making change work for you, and not beating yourself up because you                                                         produce more than a mason-jar full of rubbish.  We are passionate about the fact that big things                                                               can come from small beginnings.



Check out our challenge for 2021: one wheelie bin of rubbish for the entire year! (Click on the pic to see how we got on.



I'd love to hear from you!  Email me at JULIET@THEGREATECOJOURNEY.CO.NZ or give me a call!

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