'Focused on the home and the realities of life, Juliet’s talk is accessible and compassionate!
She delivers her solution-oriented material with enthusiasm and positivity and can tailor it to a time slot that works for your team.
Engaging and empowering, you will walk away feeling as though you can achieve positive change in your life.'
-Tonkin + Taylor
Let’s talk trash with your staff! Juliet can come to your workplace and inspire your staff to reduce their waste, either in a formal presentation, a casual chat or a lunch & learn. Juliet can speak on a variety of topics where you and your colleagues will get practical, cost-effective tips to reduce the amount of rubbish you throw in your bins; at home, work and out and about. It’s not about all-of-a-sudden going ‘zero-waste’ or ‘plastic-free’, it’s about taking small simple steps, one at a time, which combine to make a big difference. With many years of teaching and public speaking experience, Juliet is a natural. No judging, no preaching. It's about progress, not perfection.
Engaging and empowering, you will walk away feeling as though you can achieve positive change in your life.
A workshop filled with practical, achievable tips to re-inspire even jaded participants with new ideas...Juliet easily kept the attention of the group, leaving everyone buzzing. Highly recommended.
Juliet was very organised and presented with ease to a large audience and I continue to have excellent feedback from the attendees. I highly recommend Juliet and will definitely be bringing her back to run further seminars across our offices.
Talks are usually one hour in duration but can be fashioned to meet your requirements. Prices start from $700.. Let's talk about how I can start inspiring in your workplace.